Yale Peabody Museum

Strategic Priorities for Diversity, Equity, Accessibility, and Inclusion

As this unprecedented renovation transforms our physical spaces, we are also changing how we relate to our colleagues, partners, and communities. This means confronting the Museum’s history of injustice, inequity, and racism. We've begun work on Diversity, Equity, Accessibility, and Inclusion institutional priorities so that we can learn to better serve our communities, amplify marginalized voices and perspectives, and create a welcoming and inclusive environment for all.


1. Create a Diversity, Equity, Accessibility, and Inclusion (DEAI) Statement and Guiding Principles to support a sustainable culture of equity and inclusion

  • DEAI committee to draft initial statement
  • Define DEAI from an institutional perspective and how it supports Peabody operational priorities
  • Establish cultural norms and practices (meetings, staff interactions, public interactions, etc.)
  • Ensure sustainable resources (e.g. funding, staffing) to support continued DEAI work
  • Set DEAI committee framework and operation (ensure representation, membership, establish responsibilities, etc.)

2. Establish operational definitions of DEAI and policies for HR and hiring practices

  • Elaborate on what “operational definitions” means - what are the practices that get us there? (e.g. How do we conduct meetings? How are we embedding DEAI in each unit?)
  • Develop recruitment, hiring processes, retention strategies using established DEAI best practices
  • Create DEAI grievance procedure (for staff, visitors, and more)
  • Onboarding - develop new staff orientation including DEAI priorities
  • Create appropriate, competitively paid, entry-level career opportunities at YPM for EVO graduates

3. Define and engage key museum audiences to understand core community values

  • Prioritize, develop, and grow partnerships using established DEAI best practices, beginning with identifying current community partners and gaps in partnership, particularly those in the Greater New Haven community
  • Carry out focus groups with staff, including Sci.CORPS, and relevant community stakeholders
  • Gather and integrate visitor feedback on a recurring basis 
  • develop Peabody Visitor Matrix (what, who, when, where?) to better understand how we engage communities
  • Use these data to inform the development and evaluation of programming and experiences across the museum

4. Build capacity to implement DEAI practices

  • Create regular affordances for open and supportive dialogue in which staff can explore and learn about DEAI-related topics and build Cultural Humility throughout the Peabody (these opportunities should be at both institutional and departmental levels)
  • Create and share library of DEAI resources and best practices
  • Use community resources to build professional development
  • Report to Sci.CORPS Team quarterly to receive guidance on professional development topics, strategies, and outcomes

5. Create robust internal and external Communication Plan around DEAI work with institutional change and long-term goals at its center

  • Work with Marketing & Communications to discuss campaign pieces
  • Launch DEAI messaging both internal and external to Peabody
  • Build authentic, trustworthy campaign with those audiences to share why Peabody might/could matter to them
  • Under the guidance of Sci.CORPS, evaluate image and text-based media representation (social media, website, etc.), and develop marketing and communication practices that further inclusivity