Past Events & Programs
September 2022
Thursday, September 15
5:30 pm – 7:00 pm
Madagascar: Journeys Through Time
Join author Alison Richard as she discusses the fascinating biodiversity of Madagascar, drawing from her recently-published book The Sloth Lemur's Song:… This event is presented in partnership with RJ Julia Booksellers who will have copies of The Sloth Lemur’s Song for sale in the lobby. Alison Richard will be available to sign your copy after the program.…
Registration not required
May 2022
Thursday, May 5
4:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Online Presentation
Disaster, Resistance, Community
Our modern, globalized world shudders from political, social, pandemic, and ecological catastrophes. What lessons can we learn from Indigenous communities for whom the world has ended many times, in disasters both natural and colonial, only to flourish afterward? Since…
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April 2022
Thursday, April 28
4:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Online Presentation
Glass Plankton
How do we know what’s missing from the fossil record? Diatoms—tiny plankton with ornate skeletons made of glass—rule the bottom of the food chain in the ocean today. Although relatively recent in the fossil record, a closer look reveals diatoms may have been important for…
Register Free; Registration required
Thursday, April 7
4:00 pm – 5:00 pm
The Moral Ecology of a Forest
How does environmental change impact the moral ecology of forests? And what do these changes mean for the cultural values of Indigenous and rural communities that rely on them? In the southwestern United States, Pinyon pine (Pinus monophylla) is threatened by drought,…
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March 2022
Thursday, March 3
6:00 pm – 7:00 pm
Online Presentation
What's in the Air?
Last spring, ProPublica reporter Ava Kofman was assigned a major story about an environmental catastrophe. There was just one problem: it wasn’t true. But as that story fell apart, she uncovered larger issues with the underlying environmental data. In this talk, Kofman…
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February 2022
Thursday, February 24
4:00 pm – 5:00 pm
New Tools to Fight Climate Change
Climate change is a threat unparalleled in both its scale and complexity. Carbon capture is one tactic for mitigating its effects. At this Science Café, experts from different fields will discuss ways that dependable, cost-effective, and adaptable strategies can remove and…
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December 2021
Thursday, December 2
4:00 pm – 4:45 pm
Online Presentation
Shaped to Kill
What we know about open-ocean predators can reveal new patterns and mechanisms in the evolution of the ocean’s food web. A fascinating group of unique carnivorous marine animals called siphonophores, close relatives of the common jellyfish, are specialized individuals that…
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November 2021
Thursday, November 18
4:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Online Presentation
How Nature Innovates
Sand dollars are prized as souvenirs of vacation trips and beach walks. But these flat sea urchins also teach us a lot about the creative power of nature. They can help us understand how new groups of organisms arise. Join Yale graduate student Nicolás Mongiardino Koch to…
Register Free; Registration required
October 2021
Thursday, October 28
4:00 pm – 4:45 pm
Online Presentation
Legs that Walk and Wings that Fly
Limbs in vertebrate animals evolved 400 million years ago when our ancestors left the water and first ventured on to land. Today birds fly, sea turtles swim, and people play tennis using muscles that first developed in those ancient relatives. How have limbs diversified…
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September 2021
Thursday, September 30
4:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Online Presentation
100 Million Years of Climate Change
How do we know what Earth’s climate was like millions of years ago? What can ancient evidence tell us about our planet’s future? Join Daniel Gaskell to explore the global quest to piece together Earth’s climate history using septillions of fossilized microorganisms buried…
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