Including native plants in your garden is a great way to help pollinators. Expand your native plantings inexpensively by growing them yourself from seed. In this 2 hour course we’ll discover different germination requirements for different kinds of seeds. We'll plant and bring home a plastic milk jug filled with a seed selection to stratify over the winter. Proper after care will be discussed.
Fee: $40

About the Instructor
Jim Sirch, Education Coordinator at the Yale Peabody Museum, is a UConn Master Gardener and board member of his local land trust. As a trained naturalist, he brings a deep understanding of geology, plants, and wildlife, and how they interact within a particular ecosystem. He holds degrees in Forestry, Science Education, and Environmental Studies Administration. Jim received the 2014 Sigmund Abeles Award from the Connecticut Science Teachers and Supervisors Association for outstanding science teaching and professional development. Jim also writes “Beyond Your Back Door”, a blog about nature in your neighborhood.